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3 Exercises to Get Moving

Jump into summer with a new exercise routine

A Veteran stands on a walking trail with a friend and checks their vitals on a smart watch.Exercise is important to keep you healthy. It supports your heart, helps you sleep at night, and can even improve your mood. It can be hard to know where to start when looking for a new exercise routine. Warmer weather offers the perfect time to get moving. 

We have 3 ways to help you get moving this summer:

  1. Start and end your day with movement. If summer activities have you missing your regular routine, remember that some exercise is better than no exercise. A simple routine could include 2 exercises and one stretch. For example, try: Side Steps, Abdominal Lift with Marching, and Neck and Arm Stretch.

  2. Enjoy the weather by going for a walk outside. Walk around your neighborhood or local park. But don't forget your sunscreen

  3. When the days get hot, try aquatic exercise at an indoor pool. Deep water walking, swimming, or water aerobics are good for your heart and gentle on your joints.

Make your movement safe

When you begin any exercise, it’s important to move safely. Little things can add up to safe exercise:

  • Always listen to your body and make sure you don’t overdo it.

  • Wear shoes that fit well and offer good arch support. This helps prevent stress on your feet and knees.

  • Take time to warm up and cool down. An intense workout can lead to injury if your body isn’t ready.

  • Stay hydrated, especially when exercising outdoors in the heat. Drink plenty of liquids before, during, and after your workout.

Track your fitness journey

Keep track of your routines using My HealtheVet’s Activity Journal. Always update your doctor about your routine so they can best guide you. If you have questions or experience any pain while exercising, send your doctor a Secure Message.

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Read More

Get Regular Exercise for Mental Health (Veterans Health Library)

Move! Coach VA Mobile App (VA Mobile)

Aerobic Activity for a Healthy Heart (Veterans Health Library)

Five Tips to Get Fit this Spring 

Created on July 5, 2022