Wellness Reminders - Detail

This page provides detailed information about a given wellness reminder listed on the Wellness Reminder Summary page. You can access this page by clicking on the name of any item found under the Wellness Reminder column.

icon found at the top listing the reminders - This icon found at the top of the page lists the reminders that are past due or due now.


Reminder - Name of the Wellness Reminder information.

Due Date - Date the reminder is due. If not available, PAST DUE, DUE NOW, DUE SOON, UNKNOWN are displayed.

Last Completed - Date that the reminder was last done at the location. UNKNOWN is displayed if the date is not retrieved.

Location - Location that has the wellness reminder information.

Reminder Information - Details of the wellness reminder from the location.

Note - Click on the links found at end of reminder information to view additional information about this reminder.

Go to Reminders Preferences - Click this button located at the bottom left corner of the page to update the list of locations to retrieve the Wellness Reminders.

Wellness Reminders Summary page - Click this button located at the bottom right corner of the page, to return to the Wellness Reminders Summary page.

Click on the Printer Friendly link located in the top right corner next to the Help tab, to display a printer friendly page designed to print on an 8½ x 11 inch sheet of paper.