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Diabetes: Keeping Your Heart Healthy

6 tips to lower your blood pressure

A nurse sits in an exam room with a patient who has a blood pressure cuff on their arm.Did you know that high blood pressure, or hypertension, is more likely to impact someone with diabetes? For 1.5 million Veterans with diabetes, this means a higher risk of heart disease, kidney disease, and stroke.

Whether you’re managing diabetes, hypertension, or both, we have tips to help you stay healthy.

Lower your blood pressure

Hypertension is blood pressure that stays high over time. Most people with it feel fine. The only way to know you have hypertension is to check your blood pressure. These 6 tips can lower your blood pressure, which can protect your kidneys and heart:

Your doctor may also prescribe blood pressure medicine. Next time you see your doctor, make a list of questions to discuss the right plan for you.

My HealtheVet can help

Tracking your blood pressure over time can help you stay in control of your health. Use My HealtheVet's Track Health feature to monitor your blood pressure and food journal to track what you're eating. Reach out to your health care team with Secure Messaging to discuss your blood pressure readings or lifestyle changes.

Please vote in our unscientific poll. All responses are anonymous.

Read More

Track Your Blood Pressure Online

What Is High Blood Pressure (Veterans Health Library)

Taking Your Blood Pressure (Veterans Health Library)

Created April 15, 2022