An App to Cope with Trauma

Find tools in the STAIR Coach app

Trauma doesn’t care what time it is. At any time of day, you might have upsetting memories or thoughts. Sudden feelings of anxiety can make you feel like something traumatic is happening all over again. These feelings can interfere with your life and impact your relationships. This is why VA created the STAIR Coach app.

STAIR stands for Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation. Watch this video to find out how it could help you through the impacts of trauma.

How to use STAIR Coach

STAIR Coach app is designed to help you learn skills to cope with the emotions you feel. It can also help you navigate relationships. You can use STAIR Coach on your own, but it works best when paired with treatment such as talk therapy. STAIR Coach has a ton of tools to help like:

  • Suggested activities and reminders to take time for body and mind

  • Readings that help you understand the impact of trauma

  • Questions that identify what you should work on to move forward

  • A mood journal to record how you’re feeling and track patterns or changes

Make a habit of checking in

With tools that are tailored to your symptoms, you can stay motivated on your personal goals. You can save the tools that help you and revisit them whenever you’d like. If you don’t see improvement, reach out to your doctor for help.

Remember: the STAIR Coach app works best alongside mental health treatment.

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Read More

STAIR Coach App (VA Mobile Apps)

Your Relationships and PTSD Psychotherapy

National Center for PTSD (VA)

Created November 12, 2021