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Join the Airborne Hazards and Burn Pit Registry

Learn how it can benefit your health – and help others

A Veteran looking at the Airborne Hazards and Burn Pit Registry If you served in Afghanistan, Iraq, or other areas of Southwest Asia, you may be concerned about your exposure to airborne hazards like the smoke and fumes from burn pits. Joining the VA Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry can help you learn more about your health and get connected to the care you need.

Even if you don’t think you were exposed, joining can help VA provide better care to all Veterans. Learn more about if you're eligible, what the registry involves, and how to sign up below.

Am I eligible?

You are eligible to join the registry if you were deployed to Southwest Asia any time after August 2, 1990, or Afghanistan or Djibouti on or after September 11, 2001. This includes service during Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Operation New Dawn, and Operations Enduring Freedom/Iraqi Freedom.

You can join even if:

  • You don't think you were exposed to any specific airborne hazards

  • You're not experiencing symptoms or illnesses you think are related to exposures

  • You have not filed a VA claim for compensation and benefits or applied for VA health care

  • You're still an active-duty service member, reservist, or have returned to active service

Participation in the registry is voluntary and cannot negatively impact your compensation, benefits, or access to VA health care.

What does joining the registry involve?

The registry includes two parts:

  • An online questionnaire to document your exposures

  • A free, optional environmental health evaluation

The questionnaire asks about your deployments, health history, and other factors. It takes about an hour to complete.

Once you submit the questionnaire, you can contact your VA’s environmental health coordinator to schedule your health evaluation at your convenience. The exam and diagnostic referrals related to the registry are free, even if you aren't enrolled in VA health care.

How do I sign up?

If you already have a MyHealtheVet account, signing up is easy. Follow these steps:

  • Visit the secure registry portal and sign in with your DS Logon credentials

  • Once signed in, your eligible deployment history will automatically appear

  • If any of your deployments are missing, you can add them and submit them for review

  • Answer the questions for all of your deployments, even if they seem repetitive. This information helps support important research

  • When you’re finished, save or print your responses for your records. You can also submit them to support your claim if you choose

You can keep this quick reference sheet handy to help you complete the questionnaire. We also encourage all Veterans who are concerned about their exposures to talk to their health care provider, apply for VA health care, and file a claim for compensation and benefits.

Visit to learn more.

Read More

Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry (VA Mobile)

VA's Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry (Information and Resources)

Gulf War Registry

DS Logon Registration

Updated February 23, 2021