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Better Health Isn't Far Away with TeleMOVE!

Use technology to get healthier from home

A person sits down and stretches.Are you looking to improve your health through nutrition, physical activity, and lifestyle changes? Even if you live far away from a VA Medical Center, VA can help. With VA telehealth, Veterans can take part in the TeleMOVE! weight management program without leaving home.

MOVE! at home

TeleMOVE! partners Veterans with a VA care coordinator using home health monitoring technologies. TeleMOVE! combines the successful MOVE! Weight Management Program with tools of telehealth, like video and phone calls. It's a 90-day program that focuses on nutrition, physical activity, and behavior change. These changes may help you feel good and have the energy to do the things you want to do. They may even help improve health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, COPD, and depression. 

"The TeleMOVE! program was a great success for me. The idea that I had to weigh in and the results were being recorded was motivation for me. I had a personal goal of losing the required pounds to have my hips replaced. I was able to use this program versus having gastric weight loss surgery," said Veteran Charlie Twine. 

There are many Veterans participating in the TeleMOVE! program from their own homes. Check with the staff at your participating facility, and they’ll get you started. 

Get started with SMART goals

To join the program, let your VA Primary Care team know that you're interested in TeleMOVE! They may ask you to complete the MOVE!11 Questionnaire. The personalized report will identify your current strengths and areas for possible improvement. You and your health care team can set SMART goals specific to your needs. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, and Time-based. 

One Veteran experienced high blood pressure, acid reflux, and chronic back pain. After making healthy changes that helped him lose 60 pounds, his blood pressure is back to normal, and he no longer has acid reflux. He’s even sleeping better and has less back pain. "SMART goals for me means getting your life in order," Veteran Thomas Bulla says. "You stop doing a lot of things that got you where you didn't want to be and start doing a lot of things that are going to get you where you want to be." 

Technology options

There are many home telehealth technology options available. Once matched to your VA care coordinator, you'll choose your technology option. Your care coordinator will also help you identify any monitoring items you need based on your health goals. For example, if you need a scale or blood pressure monitor, one may be provided. Depending on your health conditions and goals, you’ll track vital signs like these:

  • Weight

  • Pulse

  • Blood pressure

  • Blood sugar

The next step is to share this information with your VA care coordinator using your technology option. This will help you and your VA care coordinator track your progress and make treatment decisions together.

Keep in contact

You can share info with your VA care coordinator over the phone, video, or the weight management subscription using the Annie for Veterans app. “The MOVE! program works. Let the team help you change your life,” says Veteran Kim Rosenthal. "I feel healthier and stronger. MOVE! has been life-changing, but you have to want it for yourself." 

Veterans with a Premium My HealtheVet account can also use Secure Messaging to send non-urgent questions or comments to their care coordinator and other members of their health care team. 

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