Add New Screen

The Add New screen allows you to enter a new listing into your personal Health Care Provider record. There are several input fields available for you to record information about this entry. The available fields are described below. Some of these fields are required and some are optional. The required fields are indicated by an asterisk symbol (*). You must click the Save button for your entry to be recorded. You also have the option to "Save and Add Another," which will save your entry and open another Add New screen. After you click "Save" or "Cancel" you will be taken back to the Summary screen. The "Reset" button will return the fields to their original state (blank). If for some reason the system is not able to process your entry, the page will refresh with a message explaining what must be done to proceed.

Using this Page

Provider Type (Required) - You must enter a provider type to identify this record. Select a provider type from the drop-down list (Primary, Specialist, Dentist, Eye, and Other Clinician). Primary is selected by default; however you can only have one health care provider assigned with this type. If the type of provider you wish to enter is not in the list, select Other Clinician and complete the next field.

Other Clinician - Enter the type of clinician here if it was not in the Provider Type list. You may enter up to 25 characters.

Provider First Name (Required) - Enter the first name of your health care provider in this field. You may enter up to 50 characters.

Provider Last Name (Required) - Enter the last name of your health care provider in this field. You may enter up to 50 characters.

Provider Phone Number (Required) - Enter the phone number of your health care provider in this field. Enter the provider's extension into the next field.

Ext - Enter the provider's phone extension in this field.

Provider Email Address - Enter the email address of your health care provider in this field. You may enter up to 50 characters.

Provider Comments - This is where you can enter any additional thoughts you had about this particular health care provider. You may enter up to 255 characters.

Save or Save and Add Another - You must click one of these buttons to save the entry.