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Self-Reported FAQs

Vitals + Readings

What is the Vitals + Readings feature in My HealtheVet?

Vitals + Readings is a section of the My HealtheVet Personal Health Record. It is found under the Track Health tab, in the Vitals + Readings section. Here registered My HealtheVet users can self-enter their vital signs and certain health measures.

As a registered user, you can self-enter your blood pressure, body weight, track your pain levels and more.

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Can my VA provider and health care team access and view my health information in the Vitals + Readings feature?

Your VA health care team does not have access to the health information you self-enter in the Vitals + Readings feature. Your self-entered health data is saved in My HealtheVet. The Vitals + Readings self-entered data can be shared by printing your customized VA Blue Button report and bringing it to a clinical appointment.

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What is the difference between Vitals + Readings in My HealtheVet and VA Vitals + Readings?

Vitals + Readings is information you self-enter in My HealtheVet. These are readings that you update and maintain in your My HealtheVet account as you strive to manage and improve your health. The information is accessed through the Track Health tab. There are nine ways you can monitor your own health measures in Vitals + Readings. These may include recording your blood sugar, cholesterol, heart rate, pain levels, and much more.

VA Vitals and Readings are information your health care team enters into your VA health record. These are readings taken while you are at a clinic appointment, during a procedure, or when you are a patient in the VA hospital.

Note: To help you identify information that comes from your official VA health record, it always has VA in front of it. If it begins with DoD, it comes from the Department of Defense. All other information is self-entered by you. In the VA Blue Button, the information you self-enter will start with the word Self-Reported.

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What are the requirements for using the Vitals + Readings feature?

Vitals + Readings you self-enter is a feature in My HealtheVet that is available to anyone with a My HealtheVet account. All users who have a Basic or Premium account can view their self-entered information.

Take time to Register Today.

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What Vitals + Readings will I be able to self-enter and view?

My HealtheVet has provided nine ways you can self-monitor your Vitals + Readings. Each one shows a graph of your progress. You can enter your blood sugar and cholesterol readings. Record your heart rate and pain levels, and much more.

When you are done entering your information, you can use the VA Blue Button to view, print, and download your self -entered Vitals + Readings, including your VA Vitals + Readings. Then share them with your VA and non-VA health care teams.

  • Blood pressure - Normal* blood pressure for adults ages 18 and older is between 90/60 and 120/80

  • Heart rate - The normal range of a resting heart rate for adults ages 18 and older is 60-100 beats per minute. Your age, activity level, and the time of day can change your heart rate.

  • Weight - Normal* weight ranges are determined by your height and whether you are male or female.

  • Body mass index (BMI) helps determine if you are at risk for a weight-related disease.

  • Body temperature - The average body temperature when taken orally (by mouth) is 98.6°F. It can range from 96.4° to 99.1°F. However, "normal"* varies from person to person. Your temperature can also vary throughout the day.

  • Pain level - Under normal conditions, people are free from pain.

  • Blood Sugar - Blood sugar levels are measured in samples taken from your vein (called a blood plasma value) or a finger stick. The results from these 2 kinds of samples may be a little different. The normal* range for a Random Blood Sugar Plasma Test is 70-125 mg/dL.

  • Cholesterol (Lipids Profile) - Blood tests that measure the amount of fatty substances (cholesterol and triglycerides) in the blood. These levels vary with your age and gender. Results may also vary from lab to lab. Your total cholesterol should be under 200.

  • Pulse Oximetry - Measures the amount of oxygen in the blood flowing in your blood vessels. This is your oxygen saturation. Normal* ranges are 95% - 100% when breathing room air.

  • International Normalized Ratio (INR) - This is a method that labs use, so that prothrombin times results are understood in the same way. A normal* INR is 1.0 - 1.4. If you are taking a blood-thinning medicine, your INR will be slightly longer than normal times, typically 2 to 3.

Note: *Normal varies from person to person. Check with your health care team to find out what is normal for you, given your condition.

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What is the normal range for Vital Signs?

Normal varies from person to person. The normal range for vital signs may vary with age, sex, weight, exercise tolerance, and condition. It is best to discuss this with your health care provider to find out what is normal for you.

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Where can I learn more about Vitals + Readings?

Visit the Medical Library in My HealtheVet to learn more about Vitals + Readings or about a specific health condition. The Medical Library has in-depth information.

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Why might it be important for me to keep track of my Vitals + Readings?

Your VA health care team may want you to partner with them to help them track your Vital Signs and Readings. When you do this, it may help them:

  • Identify changes in your health

  • Evaluate your response to treatment

  • Monitor the course of a disease or condition over time

Talk with your health care team to find what you might do to help improve your health.

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Why does my health care team take my Vital Signs?

Your VA health care team uses your vital signs and health readings to help:

  • Identify changes in your health

  • Diagnose a disease or condition

  • Plan your treatment for a disease or condition

  • Evaluate your response to treatment

  • Monitor the course of a disease or condition over time

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Is information in My HealtheVet protected, secure, and private?

My HealtheVet is a secure website. The VA follows strict security policies and practices to make sure that your personal health information is safe and protected.

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Can my VA health care team view my information in My HealtheVet?

No, your VA health care team cannot view any information in your Personal Health Record. Your VA health care team does not have access to the information you have entered in My HealtheVet unless you share it.

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What should I do if I have any questions about my Vitals + Readings?

If you have questions about your Vitals + Readings that you self-enter:

  • Go to the Learn More section under the About MHV tab. Here you can find general information about features in My HealtheVet. This includes VA Vitals + Readings and links to additional resources.

  • Visit the Medical Library in My HealtheVet to learn more about Vitals + Readings or about a specific health condition. The Medical Library has in-depth information.

  • If you still have questions or would like additional information, you can contact your VA health care team. You can contact them by phone, during an upcoming VA appointment, or by using Secure Messaging. Your VA health care team can answer general questions you have about your Vitals + Readings.

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Who do I contact if I have a technical problem with the Vitals + Readings feature?

You can contact My HealtheVet about technical problems you have with the self- entered Vitals + Readings feature. Simply complete the Contact Us form to send a message to the My HealtheVet Help Desk. You can get to the Contact Us form by selecting the Contact tab at the top of any My HealtheVet page.

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Updated September 15, 2021