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Summary Screen

The Summary screen shows a listing of your Emergency Contact entries. You can re-sort the list by clicking on any of the column headers indicated by a link with the up and down arrow symbol.

Using this Page

Add New - Click this button if you wish to add a new entry to the table. You will be taken to a page that allows you to enter details for a new record.

View Details - By clicking on the Contact Full Name of each entry (blue, underlined), you will link to a page the shows the full detail of that record.

Edit - By clicking on the pencil icon of each entry, you will link to a page that allows you to change information that you have previously recorded.

Delete - The "X" icon will take you to a details page allowing you to confirm your decision before completely removing the entry from the system.

Printer Friendly - This link will take you to a page that shows the table summary in a printer-friendly format. This new page is specially designed to be printed on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper.

Printer Friendly Summary Screen

The Printer Friendly Summary screen provides a printer-friendly format for the summary table of your health information. It is designed so it will print neatly on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper. The information on this page consists of the entries you had listed on the Summary screen. You will see a border around the main content area describing the printable area. This border is indicated by the phrase "The printable information appears within this border." You will see other information outside of that border, but what is inside is the only information that will print out.

Using this Page

Print - The Print button will open your browser's print dialog box. You must click the OK button to initiate the print-out.

Done - Clicking this button will take you back to the Summary screen.

View Details Screen

The Details screen is a read-only page that allows you to view all of the details of a record. From this page you have the option to edit or delete the entry, or link to a printer friendly version, by clicking the respective buttons/links. You may also choose to add a new entry ("Add New") or return to the summary list ("Return to List").

Using this Page

Edit - By clicking the Edit button, you will link to a page that allows you to change information that you have previously recorded.

Delete - The Delete button will take you to a similar page allowing you to confirm your decision before completely removing the entry from the system.

Add New - Click this button if you wish to add a new entry to the table. You will be taken to a page that allows you to enter details for a new record.

Return to List - Clicking this button will take you back to the Summary page.

Printer Friendly - This link will take you to a similar view of the details. This view is specially designed to be printed on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper.

Printer Friendly Details Screen

The Printer Friendly Details page allows the details of your health entry to be printed neatly on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper. You will see a border around the main content area describing the printable area. This border is indicated by the phrase "The printable information appears within this border." You will see other information outside of that border, but what is inside is the only information that will print out.

Using this Page

Print - The Print button will open your browser's print dialog box. You must click the OK button to initiate the print-out.

Done - Clicking this button will take you back to the Details page of this record.

Add New Screen

The Add New screen allows you to enter a new listing into your personal Emergency Contacts record. There are several input fields available for you to record information about this entry. The available fields are described below. Some of these fields are required and some are optional. The required fields are indicated by an asterisk symbol (*). You must click the Save button for your entry to be recorded. You also have the option to "Save and Add Another," which will save your entry and open another Add New screen. After you click "Save" or "Cancel" you will be taken back to the Summary screen. The "Reset" button will return the fields to their original state (blank). If for some reason the system is not able to process your entry, the page will refresh with a message explaining what must be done to proceed.

Using this Page

Priority (Required) - Select the preferred order in which your contacts should be notified. You may designate up to three contacts.

Contact First Name (Required) - Enter the first name of your emergency contact into this field. You may enter up to 50 characters.

Contact Last Name (Required) - Enter the last name of your emergency contact into this field. You may enter up to 50 characters.

Phone Number (Required) - At least one phone number is required to complete this listing.

  • Work Phone and Extension - Enter your contact's work phone number and extension into these two fields.

  • Home Phone - Enter your contact's home phone number into this field.

  • Cell Phone - Enter your contact's mobile phone number into this field.

Email Address - Enter the email address of your contact into this field. You may enter up to 50 characters.

Relationship - Enter the relationship of this contact to you into this field (i.e. brother, mother, etc.).

Address 1 and Address 2 - Enter the physical street address of this facility into these two fields. You may enter up to 30 characters into each field.

City - Enter the city name in this field. You may enter up to 30 characters.

State - Select the state where this treatment facility is located from the drop-down list.

Zip/Post Code - Enter the Zip or Postal Code of the address into this field.

Country - Select the country this facility is located in. The United States is pre-selected by default.

Province - (Non- U.S. only) If this facility is located in a country that has provinces instead of states, enter the name of the province in this field. You may enter up to 30 characters.

Comments - This is where you can enter any additional thoughts you had about this particular emergency contact. You may enter up to 255 characters.

Save or Save and Add Another - You must click one of these buttons to save the entry.

Edit Entry Screen

With the Edit screen, you can edit information that was previously recorded. You may change any of the information for a record. The input fields for Emergency Contacts are described below. Some of these fields are required and some are optional. The required fields are indicated by an asterisk symbol (*). You must click the Save button for your changes to be recorded. After you click "Save" or "Cancel" you will be taken back to the Summary screen. The "Reset" button will return the fields to the original values before any changes were made. You may also choose to delete the entry by clicking the "Delete" button. If for some reason the system is not able to process your entry, the page will refresh with a message explaining what must be done to proceed.

Using this Page

Priority (Required) - Select the preferred order in which your contacts should be notified. You may designate up to three contacts.

Contact First Name (Required) - Enter the first name of your emergency contact into this field. You may enter up to 50 characters.

Contact Last Name (Required) - Enter the last name of your emergency contact into this field. You may enter up to 50 characters.

Phone Number (Required) - At least one phone number is required to complete this listing.

  • Work Phone and Extension - Enter your contact's work phone number and extension into these two fields.

  • Home Phone - Enter your contact's home phone number into this field.

  • Cell Phone - Enter your contact's mobile phone number into this field.

Email Address - Enter the email address of your contact into this field. You may enter up to 50 characters.

Relationship - Enter the relationship of this contact to you into this field (i.e. brother, mother, etc.).

Address 1 and Address 2 - Enter the physical street address of this facility into these two fields. You may enter up to 30 characters into each field.

City - Enter the city name in this field. You may enter up to 30 characters.

State - Select the state where this treatment facility is located from the drop-down list.

Zip/Post Code - Enter the Zip or Postal Code of the address into this field.

Country - Select the country this facility is located in. The United States is pre-selected by default.

Province - (Non- U.S. only) If this facility is located in a country that has provinces instead of states, enter the name of the province in this field. You may enter up to 30 characters.

Comments - This is where you can enter any additional thoughts you had about this particular emergency contact. You may enter up to 255 characters.

Save - You must click this button to save the entry.

Delete Screen

The Delete screen is a read-only page that allows you to review the details of a record before it is deleted from the system. If you are sure you would like to delete the record, click the "Delete" button. Clicking this button will permanently erase the entry from the system.

Using this Page

Delete - The Delete button will permanently erase the chosen record.