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You Don't Have to Call It Exercise

Get active, get in shape by changing your daily habits

With recent events across the country, your daily habits or schedules may be a little thrown off. Making exercise a new habit is one route for better health. With a few simple steps, you'll get more energy and sleep better. 

Kickstart an Active Lifestyle

No matter your schedule, there are simple changes you can make to be more active. People who exercise regularly tend to have more energy, sleep better, and feel better overall. Find what works for you. Whether it's taking the stairs or standing at your desk rather than sitting, you can find creative ways to be active.

Physical Activity: Why Fitness Matters

Being active offers many health benefits. It can help you lose weight, reduce stress levels, and lower your risk of health problems, like heart disease, diabetes, and depression. The best way to be and stay active is to find the right activity for you. Whether it's swimming, riding a bike, or playing a sport; the more you enjoy, the more you'll want to do it.

Physical Activity: Fitting It into Your Life

You don't have to fit your life around exercise. Instead, you can fit activity into your daily life. It's recommended that you exercise for two hours each week. The best way to achieve this is with short activity breaks during the day. Taking the time for an activity you enjoy can add up to improve your health.

A Sample Walking Program

A great way to start improving your fitness is by walking. Following a walking program can help you reach your goal by gradually increasing the frequency, speed, and time you walk. And while a relaxing stroll sounds appealing, if you can sing while exercising, speed up. If you can't talk easily, slow down.

Write it Down

Tracking or keeping a diary of your daily activities will help you stick to your fitness plan, improve time management, and keep you motivated. Veterans registered with My HealtheVet can access the Activity Journal feature, allowing them to record physical activities, and track progress.

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Read More

How Hard Should I Exercise? 

Physical Activity: Making the Most of Your Time (Veterans Health Library)

Walking for Fitness (Veterans Health Library)

Updated March 25, 2021